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The announcement comes as the app nears its eighth birthday and approaches 500 million active users, according to the statement that Durov put on his Telegram channel. Every new user that comes flooding in, he explained, brings more server costs for the company to dea stanley cup l with. A project of our size needs at least a few hundred million dollars p stanley thermos er year to keep going, he said. All the currently free-to-use parts of the platform will remain free, he sai stanley cup d, adding that in the new year, Telegram will be adding a few new paid features for business teams or power users. He didnt go into the specifics of these new features would be, aside from mentioning that Telegram would be bringing its own ad platform onboard. In a separate post Telegram announced it would be building out a Clubhouse-like persistent voice chat function鈥攖hough again, this may or may not be one of the aspects being monetized. Per the post, the idea isnt to serve ads in private one-on-one or group chats specifically, since, in Durovs words, communication between people should be free of advertising of any sort. Instead, he pointed to what he called Telegrams one-to-many channels that have their own dedicated posse following one specific Telegram poster. These act more like a Twitter feed than an SMS conversation, and like Twitter, theyll be getting the ad-serving treatment. Thus far, the platforms largely been floated by Durovs own personal savings. Back in 2018, it pulled in $1.7 billion dollars fro Lmoz Tesla Told Employees to Show Up for Work on Wednesday Despite Shelter-in-Place Order
The USDA recently put together this nice little seasonal chart looking at the different price ranges you can expect some of your Thanksgiving sides to come in at, depending on which form鈥攆resh, frozen, or canned鈥攜ou choose to buy them in. At first blush, it looks like a pretty good illustration of the truism about fresh usually being the more expensive choice. Something interesting, though, happens when you open up the field to a wider range, beyond just the seasonally-festive vegetables, like in this chart I made using the USDAs calculator from their full data: Suddenly, the picture is much less clear, with fresh vegetables coming i stanley cup n it all different price points鈥攕ome of the fresh varieties are even considerably cheaper than the processed counterparts like in the case of raw spinach vs. frozen, or canned tomatoes vs. fresh romas . The much larger issue to be wary of though is that鈥攁lthough a comparison of apples-to-canned-apples may seem like the most fair of all stack-ups鈥攊t actually can be deceptive to put fresh, frozen, ca stanley borraccia nned into a direct price per weight comparison. Why Simply put setting aside a few cases of summer overabundance fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables are very seldom in direct competition with each other stanley cup for a spot on your table. If youre planning to make a salad, you dont walk over to the freezer section, looking for a block of spinach to thaw, you look for fresh greens. While you certainly could pop into the grocery store in the middle of Novem